Home Based Business Marketing – The Truth About Duplication

Recent conversations regarding the theory of replication and home based business marketing strategies sparked this article. I need to start by genuinely asking the argument of whether or not we should be chasing duplication at all. Moreover, what will we be duplicating?For years in my business the idea of a duplicable home based business marketing strategy was shoved down my throat and infused within my thinking. I didn’t just accept this idea of using one system that anyone pursued, but I taught the notion to everyone I worked with. Then things changed for me that literally transformed how I understand home based business marketing.Do not misunderstand, I definitely acknowledge that individuals and businesses crave systems. Succeeding is more challenging if you do not have a process to follow. Let’s face it, individuals need specific direction. New home business owners need a 1,2,3 kind of system. You have to ask yourself what your home based business marketing system is in fact yielding or replicating. Additionally, is your system really duplicating at all?In order to answer this question, we initially have to describe duplication within the conditions of the home based business marketing field. The average home business owner views replication as the primary goal. Expressly, when we have enough individuals duplicating our business system, we may sit back, enjoy, and observe as the checks keep rolling in. This type of belief is actually buying into the myth of duplication. Allow me to demonstrate.We start with the hope that one by one or two by two we will add others to our sales force who will follow and copy our home based business marketing strategy. We think that the majority of people will get comparable results to our own, before long momentum is achieved and we will be duplicating in masses. In due season though, real life slaps us in the face as the accomplishment of true replication isn’t as easy as we anticipated. This is where the light bulb was turned on for me and altered my rationale concerning duplication.After 8 years of working my business persistently, I recognized that even though we had assembled a healthy business, we were still stuck in the same situation as when we began. Yes, I was making a lot more money than when I first started my business and had some pretty awesome perks; yet, I hadn’t secured the degree of viral duplication that everyone talks about. Hence I started studying home based business marketing programs.I found that replication is a myth in the home business world. This might rattle your chain a bit; yet, I wish to rouse your beliefs. Fairly ask and assess what the statistics are in your business regarding overall duplication and real people seeing real results? For a fair assessment you need to examine more than the handful of individuals who may be having direct or singular results. The question is how many individuals are able to realize true reproduction in depth in your business?Earnestly assess your business and ask:Has your team grown apart from your personal contact? Fundamentally this indicates that you regularly have team members that you have never met who are generating ample numbers without you.Would you be able to completely remove yourself and your personal resources (your closing calls, webinars, training, etc.) from the arrangement and have your team persist to multiply?
Is your team creating multiple legacy type businesses to the point where they could not be swayed to move to another company?Could you walk away from your business and travel the world for an entire year without affecting your income?Most people are answering these questions with a negative response. If you are answering yes to all of the above, either you are out of touch with reality OR you hold a superior home based business marketing formula that understands that true replication can’t be achieved with one limited home based business marketing system.The reason so many people struggle to duplicate their home based business marketing lies in this answer. A simple system designed to be mass replicated does not exist. Why? Let’s get back to my light bulb moment.After eight years of employing a duplicable home based business marketing plan, I was still doing the same things I was doing whenever I began working my career. Until I reprogrammed my beliefs and reprogrammed my strategies, I would continue doing the same things always. We are simply human. Each of us are different and bring to the table a different skill, talent, gift, personality, and perspective. Buying into an idea where a single home based business marketing plan will essentially clone your results is insanity.I was executing the identical tasks repeatedly because I wasn’t offering options, strategies, and home based business marketing methods that would function for different individuals. I was wrongfully believing that anyone could be altered and adapted to fit the plan, rather than tailoring the system for dissimilarity. An eye opening lesson it was.Duplication is a myth considering nobody may duplicate you. Nobody will do exactly what you do and get the exact same results. Until you discount the idea of mass duplication and adjust your home based business marketing system, you will make the same mistakes I made and continually reconstruct your team searching for team members just like you!

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